Geneva high school organized it's first basketball team in 1908. Mr. John D. Marshall came to Geneva in January
1908 as the assistant superintendent and science teacher. He immediately formed the first basketball team. The
team played well, although it won no games the first year.
Also first organized in 1908-09 was the Girl's Varsity basketball team. The girls won the county championship in
three consecutive years (1909, '10, '11), losing only two games in that time.
The First Basketball Homecoming
The first mention of the track team is in the 1908 yearbook. The text indicates the team formed in 1905.
The first Varsity "G" organization started in 1926. Click on the thumbnail picture below for the story and a picture
of the first group of lettermen.
1927 Football
Here are some pictures and a story about Geneva's 1926-1927 Football team taken from the 1927 yearbook. For those
who remember "Slim" Sprague Geneva's police chief for many years, he played on this team.
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1927 Football Continued
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