On January 26, 1962, Geneva High engaged in the first annual Basketball Homecoming.  Following the game was the
Sweetheart Basket Ball, held at the Junior High, over which Sonja Miller reigned as the first Basketball 
Homecoming Queen.  She was attended by her court, Dela Moss, Sophomore; Nora Hall, Sophomore; Blanche Courtney, 
Junior; Mary Jo Hickock, Junior; Sharon Heil, Senior; and Sharon Quircek, Senior.  The affair was a great 
success and will prove to be enjoyable in the future.

The Team Record was (through February 1st.)

Geneva	48	Fairport	35		Season Scoring (through February 1st.)
	51	*Wickliffe	42		Sam Hands		169
	59	*Conneaut	26		Jim Osborne		125
	46	Mentor		28		Bob Legg		120
	33	Harvey		31		Bill coy		 95
	50	Jefferson	31		Dave Tirabasso	 60
	58	Madison	34		Joel Novak		 35
	51	*Riverside	25		Don Baylor		 12
	52	Ashtabula	39		Bill Keener		 10
	37	*Harvey	34		Jim Prill		  7
	48	Conneaut	40		Larry Winchell	  3
	45	*Mentor	40		Tom Wright		  2
	62	Riverside	25		Doug Greene		  2
		*S. Edgewood
		Ash. Harbor	 

1962 was a powerhouse team!  If anyone knows the results of the last four games, please e-mail us!