My memories Lynn (Austin) Van Keuren


Class of 1963


I remember the sweet smell of burning autumn leaves after a football game, and the band performing a perfect cursive G (we called it something else, but can't remember). Cheerleading practice and tissue paper hoops for our football heroes.

How could we forget pajama parties at Nancy Raymond's (remember Chef Boyardee pizza out of a box?) or at Jayne's? Everyone got their ears pierced but me.  Such a chicken!


Easter vacation spent listening to 45s and dancing at Joyce Denington's ("She wore canvas shoes and pink shoelaces...." I can still smell the gallons of white shoe polish!). Yes, I still dance whenever possible!

My first real job... pumping ice cream at Roger's Tastee Freez and mixing sundae toppings.  Was that really 2 gallons of strawberry topping landing on the floor?

I do remember Geneva and all the good and bad times.  It was a wonderful.  Still return to play at the old cottage at the river. If you see a Virginia plate, it may be me.  Thanks for the opportunity to relive some old memories!