My memories Jim Osborne
Class of 1963
I believe there is a story about the best basketball team Geneva ever had and we lost in the sectional finals on a last second shot. The next year (our senior year) we weren't suppose to be very good. We went to the district finals against Cleveland East and Emmanuel Leeks and just about beat the city. If you remember, the whole town dressed up like farmers with bib overalls and straw hats . We where always considered the farmers.
The following isn't a sports story, but it could be considered how the big one got away. I don't remember any names (my memory is getting bad, ha!!) but I believe there was a group that might have arranged some pumpkins around a certain English teacher's house and put cherry bombs in them. They all went off about the same time and it worked great!!
A little later that night another group of outstanding Geneva students passes by this same teacher's house and possibly threw some eggs and were then caught for all the things that happened at that teacher's domicile while the first group of outstanding students got off scott free.
I remember having to drive many a Saturday or Friday night for a group of golfers who couldn't pass up a few cold ones and needed someone to get them around.
I remember a drag race during graduation week that was
abruptly ended by Earl's mom, who just about reamed us a new butthole for being so foolhardy.