My memories Jack Renner
High School Music Teacher 1960s
My memories of
I recall the long hours put in to prepare a marching band show each week, many times having our final rehearsal at the field in rainy, muddy conditions but with total dedication on the part of band members - or was I dreaming? Choir was no different when it came to hard work to prepare for a performance.
It was three years out of my working life, but for me, it was much more. I got married while at GHS, had my first child, and started a career path that shaped my direction for the rest of my professional life.
Over the years, I have heard from a number of former students from my three years there and all with fond stories of how important music had been in their lives. That was very rewarding and I am not sure that would have been the case in many other schools at that time.
Mr. Renner today
is the Chairman and Chief Recording Engineer of Telarc
International Corporation in