Carole (Phillips) Wright
Class of 1963
My memories of growing up in Geneva are good ones. Kindergarten was a real fun place to be. Down in the basement of the old building putting puzzles together and stringing wooden beads and snack and nap time. Remember the cloak room where we hung our coats? And milk was 2cents?
Then there was Junior High. Mr. Unger with his big piece of wood that he banged on the desk. I remember him throwing Larry Hill's books out the window. I was scared. I'm not sure if Larry was or not.
I remember the skating rink in Austinburg. What fun that was to go there. (It's back again.) Junior High dances, Blue Triangle dances, and at lunch time too. Boys standing on one side and girls on the other.
High school football games and hurrying back to the school gym for the dance. Reese's after school for a Pepsi phosphate and a pretzel. Maybe if you were lucky, your new crush would be there.
Remember the Rose Garden and the little neighborhood stores, the smell of burning leaves in the fall? We used to like to go down into the little creeks that flow through Geneva's backyards in town and walk on the rocks and see where we ended up.
I remember Tom Thumb's restaurant and Manner's Big Boy. Then McDonalds, wow... It's gone now and Reese’s is closed. Slim Sprague and Mr. Caton and Fred, who used to tell stories on the street corner. But the memories are still there.
P.S. Don't forget Teen Town