Every year Geneva High is given the opportunity to further its knowledge of other countries through its American Field Service exchange program. This year our exchange student is Rhoda Mills.


Rhoda is a native of Northern Ireland and lives about two miles south of a small village called Benburg, in County Armagh. Besides her parents, she has one brother, aged 16, and two sisters, 14 and 19. Prior to her year in America, Rhoda attended The Methodist College in Belfast for six years.


In America, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Henderson, who reĀ­side in Austinburg. Like her own family she also has one brother, aged 23, and two sisters, 17 and 26, in America.


Throughout the year Rhoda has been active in several school activities. She is a member of the American Field Service organization, a member of Thespians, and she also participated in the Senior Class Play, "Exit the Body." She has spoken to many different organizations about her country and, in general, has learned much about our American way of life.